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Artist Alley: Interview with TixieLix

This holiday season I had the pleasure of finally connecting with and getting to know an artist that I have been following for years now — TixieLix! You’ve probably recognized some of TixieLix’s amazing video game inspired art pieces featured on various websites and blogs such as deviantART, Tumblr, and several other sites. What I truly love about TixieLix is that she has her own unique style by beautifying each character, but still keeping true to their original feelr. She also constantly challenges herself, continuing to improve and develop her craft. I was so ecstatic that she had agreed to an interview, allowing us all to take closer look the the woman behind the art.

Where are you from?

I am a Malaysian-born Chinese, but have been an Australian since I was 6 years-old.

How did you discover your artistic abilities? 
It was actually my parents who discovered it when I was about 3 or 4 years-old and my mother found me drawing on the walls and in my father’s precious book collection.  Other than being reprimanded for said actions, they continued to encourage me and were the first fans of my doodlings :D
What inspires your art pieces? 

I believe that art is an expression of ourselves, our deepest emotions and attachment to the subjects we portray.  I draw what moves me and because I love video games, most of my inspirations have originated from them and my favorite characters there.  Eventually, I do aim to draw my own original art, but because I’m still such a novice, being self-taught and all, practicing with existing and established characters make it that much easier and fun to learn!

How long have you been creating art? 
Since I was 3 or 4 if you can count a child expressing themselves with crayons and pencils as art haha XD  I really wasn’t conscious of the concept of ‘art’ until I was 5 when my father bought me books of artworks.  Though I couldn’t read much of them for myself, he and Mum tried to explain to me what was great about certain pieces and I would find myself actively searching for more inspirations beyond those books.  I learnt to see beauty in everyday things and tried to capture those snap shots or moments with any paper, pencil or crayons I could get my hands on.  To this day, I still scribble a lot on random scraps of paper when I have those “Oh, WOW!” moments and I just have to get an idea out of my head and put it down physically to give it life.
What was your first art piece? 

Wow, these questions are getting VERY specific!  I would say around when I was 5 and for our kindergarten graduation year book (in Malaysia, they separate kindergarten from primary school) I specifically drew some spotted deer resting in a glade near some rocks and trees.  This particular piece has stayed in my mind because I remember actually planning it rather than just drawing randomly: I thought about how I was going to set up my drawing (composition); how the individual subjects and items related to each other and the particular choice of deer – among my father’s great book collection were a bunch on natural history and I grew to really like deer because they were so elegant whether they were standing, sitting or in motion.  I could have just drawn Ninja Turtles and/or whatever cartoons I was into then (the kids in my class were already hassling me to draw them their favorite cartoon characters) but I drew deer.  Still have that picture ;)

How long does each piece take?

Based on my current portfolio: For traditional pieces, sketches with pen or pencils can take from 20 minutes – 1 hour minimum and more if I go into extra detailing. Digital pieces usually takes me around 8 hours in total, which I break into couple hours for 3 or 4 nights, due to my having a day job and other responsibilities.

Have you had any formal training? 

Not unless you count the art classes we all had during primary and secondary school :D  I am mostly self taught but I would like to note that my secondary school art teacher was very good at explaining art concepts so there were things that I could never have understood or discovered by myself.  Other than that, I find that I learn a lot through observing and dissecting great examples of art to figure out what the artistic did to make it work and how he/she did it.  I’ve always been a visual person and have grown to problem solve with my eyes – with time and practice, more and more things just come together and make sense to me that way, which I then translate into my own work.

Most challenging piece so far? 

So, so many!  I would have to say the one where I drew Fei Long/Bruce Lee in his iconic brown suit and tie get up, standing in a busy 1970′s Hong Kong street.  Normally I only have to imagine the facial structure, expression and pose of the character, but for this, I fully integrated the main subject into a tangible back drop – meaning I have to imagine an interesting intersection of the built environment, how to make it relate to that character, the nature of the buildings with its minute details so that it would look convincing and authentic (I even consulted my mother on the suitability of my chosen Chinese signage and fonts for the shop fronts I drew since she grew up in Hong Kong then.)

What is your favorite art piece you’ve worked on? 

Again, how do I choose…  This is going to sound biased, but I will have to say my latest two Vega pieces.  I’m particularly fond of them because prior to discovering and falling stupidly in love with this imaginary character, I could not draw the male form – even less so the beautiful male and he represents the hardest challenges I’ve had to overcome.  Also, because of my obsession with him, it seems like he just brings out the best of my abilities each time – I just want to do him the utmost justice ya know?! ;D


Who is your favorite character of all time and what is your favorite series of all time? 

Vega, of course!  I like him for more than just his physical beauty though – in terms of character design, I think the artists/creators did such a great job coming up with such an unique, rich and complex character when you look into the combination of his fighting style and costume (Bull fighter x Ninja!!!) his full-on personality and also his tragic backstory.
Favourite series?  I would have to say Street Fighter for fighting games and The Legend of Zelda for action/adventure.  Street Fighter because despite its flaws in current editions, it still feels like the most complete and best fighter out there, with its colourful, multi-national characters, sound track, game design and not to mention having set so many standards for fighting games since its inception!  I simply adore LoZ games because they are just so gorgeous and creative!  Both of these series have always had me so drawn in, I find it hard to put down the controller, making them very well designed games in my opinion… and I am hard to impress…


Do you do commissions or sell any of your art pieces? 

Not currently due to time constraints, but I am working towards a more flexible schedule!

Do you travel to conventions? 

I have only been to a handful as an observer, but I hope to be able to table at one soon.  Still feeling nervous about this as I consider being sat along side more experienced and better artists!


Artists that you admire? 

Lots!  Artists ranging from Caravaggio and Giovanni Baglione to Artgerm, Imaginism, Belladonna-Mio, BossLogic and the UDON guys to name a few.  All these artists and more have played major roles in influencing my art direction – I would so love to list all their names, but I will be here forever I’m afraid!


What other hobbies are you involved in? 

I enjoy archery and have played competitive field hockey, but in these busy times, I only have room for the occasional video game and dedicate most of my spare time to improving my art.


What is your personal dream/life goal?

To be the best artist I can be and for my art to define who I am.  I hope to develop my skills high enough to be considered for a professional position, but most importantly to really express myself through my art and inspire others – as the artist of words, Neil Gaiman once said: “The moment that you feel that, just possibly, you’re walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself. That’s the moment you may be starting to get it right.”

For more TixieLix visit her on:
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